Special Notice
In response to the recent covid-19, our clinic is currently making the following series of arrangements, which are strictly implemented:
1) Only one owner is allowed to bring animals into the clinic and consultation room when visiting a veterinarian;
2) All visitors must wear masks properly throughout the clinic.
3) All visitors must take their body temperature when entering the clinic and use alcohol-based hand sanitizer to sanitize their hands;
4) No eating or drinking in the clinic;
5) All visitors who have symptoms such as fever and respiratory diseases are not allowed to enter the clinic; if they are unwell, such as general malaise, dry cough or shortness of breath, or have been in contact with patients with pneumonia or have been to the epidemic area.
6) We reserve the right NOT to provide clinical services to any patient owned by the client with confirmed Coronavirus infection; under mandatory quarantine or under mandatory testing and) have a travel history and being contact with any person with confirmed Coronavirus Infection in last 14 days.

First and Second Opinion Consultation
The bond we share with our animals is a very special one and we all have a big responsibility to make sure we are doing everything we can to keep them healthy and happy for as long as is possible! For our practice, keeping pets well goes very much beyond treating them when they’re sick or injured. Many don’t realize that your pet’s regular health assessment is considered to play an essential role in maintaining their wellbeing. Through a regular visit, at least every 6-12 months, we not only provide essential advice on your pet’s specific care and health needs at each stage of its life, but we can also detect many underlying issues and risks so they can be addressed before they become significant, painful or more costly to treat. During a health assessment, we ask in-depth questions about your pet’s lifestyle and habits and your pet gets a full medical check-up from nose to tail (plus all the parts in between!). If indicated, further tests can be recommended and we are able to discuss and advice on any concerns you may have. This not only gives you peace of mind around your pet’s current health and wellbeing, but also ensures you minimize the risks of future health problems such as obesity, dental disease and diabetes.