Special Notice
In response to the recent covid-19, our clinic is currently making the following series of arrangements, which are strictly implemented:
1) Only one owner is allowed to bring animals into the clinic and consultation room when visiting a veterinarian;
2) All visitors must wear masks properly throughout the clinic.
3) All visitors must take their body temperature when entering the clinic and use alcohol-based hand sanitizer to sanitize their hands;
4) No eating or drinking in the clinic;
5) All visitors who have symptoms such as fever and respiratory diseases are not allowed to enter the clinic; if they are unwell, such as general malaise, dry cough or shortness of breath, or have been in contact with patients with pneumonia or have been to the epidemic area.
6) We reserve the right NOT to provide clinical services to any patient owned by the client with confirmed Coronavirus infection; under mandatory quarantine or under mandatory testing and) have a travel history and being contact with any person with confirmed Coronavirus Infection in last 14 days.

In-house Laboratory and Pharmacy
Here at our clinics, we are proud to be able to offer in-house diagnostic blood work on our patients. Blood work is necessary to keep your pet healthy. By performing routine blood work, we are able to monitor any changes to your pet’s kidneys, liver, blood cell counts, and much more. We can learn a lot of information with a little bit of blood. It is our goal to catch any problems early by doing regular blood work. When caught early, many problems are easier to diagnose and treat. It is hopeful that many pets will recover or, at least, have a better life with treatment. It is also helpful to have blood work to compare to, if your pet ever becomes ill. Whenever you pet is not feeling well, you should be prepared to run blood work. There are a lot of diseases that all present the exact same way. With in-house blood work, we are able to diagnose your pet’s illness fairly quickly. We use our in-house laboratory to run thyroid tests, blood clotting factors, cultures, and much more.